These services are available to residents of Crawford County Pennsylvania.
If you live outside of Crawford County, please contact your local United Way for assistance.
Center Thrift Store Vouchers
The Center for Family Services is the only local Thrift Store that provides free clothing to low income adults and children. These services are made possible through community donations of clothing and our wonderful store volunteers.
Households may receive a voucher to shop at the Center’s Thrift Store. Eligibility is on a case by case basis.
Winter Coats
Gently used and new winter coats are distributed each Fall to local families in need. Availability of sizes and styles are based on donations from the community.
Thank you to our Community Partners who are instrumental in the yearly operation of the Winter Coat Program!
- Marquette Savings Bank
- COOL 101.7
Donate your gently used or new coats. Donations accepted in the office Monday through Friday 8 am – 4 pm, or Monday through Friday 9 am – 4 pm at the Thrift Store.